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Friday, 9 November 2012

Playing Dirt 3 Without Graphics Card

I have tried many ways to play dirt 3 on my computer , After my lots of effort finally i was successful in playing dirt 3 on my computer .
i have
2g ram
and 256mb gaming graphics
OS - Windows7
1. First install Dirt 3 in your computer 
2. Then go to C drive > program files > Dirt3 folder
3. Then run Dirt3_game.exe file.
4. Then it will give some error if error is related to some Dll file . Download it by searching in google and after downloading file paste it in Dirt3 folder.
5. When you downloaded all the Dll files . Then again run  Dirt3_game.exe file , It will give you error like Pixel shader 3.0 required .
6. Then download Swift Shader 3.0 . After download completed past the file in swift shader folder to game folder , Then run your game it will 100% run .

Download swift shader 3.0 by clicking below given download button

Thanks For reading this post i hope you like this post . I case of any problem ask it in comments.

I have tried many way to make IDM (Internet Download Manager) full , But none of the crack and patch works , then i found nice way to make my idm full version. The best thing in this trick is you don't have to download any patch and crack. You can also make your idm full version just go to below given link .

For Trick Click Here

I hope you like this trick. This is 100% working i have tried this. I case of any problem post it in comments